Going the Distance
The Chapstick non-posting marathon continues unabated, leaving some to wonder how long he can hol- Oh, well, so much for that.
Greetings, almost certainly nobody! I swoop in, once again from nowhere, armed with a recap post of semi-epic proportions! So, let us take a look at the two and a half months of Chapstick news.
Well, on the personal front, Dancer asked me to come to Minnesota for the beginning of Thanksgiving break, but my lack of car left that as a non-option. Dancer and GoodTV have both managed to acquire boyfriends, which is wonderful news, really. I just wish GoodTV hadn't told me that she wanted to be with me, but couldn't because of LittleC. I understand her reasoning, but I think I would have been better off not knowing. She also yelled at me for shaving my head again, apparently she had a crush on my hair, too.
I've talked to Merna a fair bit too, and even tried to resurrect our relationship, which was a bad idea, and fortunately ended as a disaster. In hindsight I think I was mostly doing it to try and keep her out of all the shit she has been into lately. That isn't my place anymore.
Lazy, now officially the Prince of Slackers, and I are also starting an online comic together. Between his art and characters and my... my... well, I'm sure I'll do something to help, we will take the market by storm! More updates and info on that when the project actually launches.
Oh, another small thing, I'm no longer attending Michigan Tech. Due to some family issues and some monetary issues and some (minor) scholastic issues, I am no longer a student. I had originally planned on returning in the fall semester, but with my parents withdrawing financial support, and with me having no real credit, it's not looking like a particularly viable option. Determined to make the most of this, I've decided to do something that I have dreamed about since I was small, and something that I have considered far more seriously in the last few years. I'm looking to move to a city. An honest to god City. If anybody out there lives in one that they would like to put in a good(or bad) word for, either leave a comment or just ask for my email address. Also, if anybody knows of a business or person looking for IT work from a certified operative with some good experience under his belt, I'd appreciate a heads up. =\
I know that this may seem more like a small town kid's daydream, but rest assured I haven't made this decision without heavy consideration or experience. I've had a bit of experience with living in Detroit with some family, so I'm not jumping into this with no clue. I'm currently considering New York as my top pick, and I hope to be decided within a month or so, and ready to move by the fall.
Now, if i could only figure out how to tell my Mom...
Well it's almost 2am, I haven't had a smoke in over 24 hours, and I need to be at work by 9, time to step outside and then head to bed.
Thanks for being here.
Greetings, almost certainly nobody! I swoop in, once again from nowhere, armed with a recap post of semi-epic proportions! So, let us take a look at the two and a half months of Chapstick news.
Well, on the personal front, Dancer asked me to come to Minnesota for the beginning of Thanksgiving break, but my lack of car left that as a non-option. Dancer and GoodTV have both managed to acquire boyfriends, which is wonderful news, really. I just wish GoodTV hadn't told me that she wanted to be with me, but couldn't because of LittleC. I understand her reasoning, but I think I would have been better off not knowing. She also yelled at me for shaving my head again, apparently she had a crush on my hair, too.
I've talked to Merna a fair bit too, and even tried to resurrect our relationship, which was a bad idea, and fortunately ended as a disaster. In hindsight I think I was mostly doing it to try and keep her out of all the shit she has been into lately. That isn't my place anymore.
Lazy, now officially the Prince of Slackers, and I are also starting an online comic together. Between his art and characters and my... my... well, I'm sure I'll do something to help, we will take the market by storm! More updates and info on that when the project actually launches.
Oh, another small thing, I'm no longer attending Michigan Tech. Due to some family issues and some monetary issues and some (minor) scholastic issues, I am no longer a student. I had originally planned on returning in the fall semester, but with my parents withdrawing financial support, and with me having no real credit, it's not looking like a particularly viable option. Determined to make the most of this, I've decided to do something that I have dreamed about since I was small, and something that I have considered far more seriously in the last few years. I'm looking to move to a city. An honest to god City. If anybody out there lives in one that they would like to put in a good(or bad) word for, either leave a comment or just ask for my email address. Also, if anybody knows of a business or person looking for IT work from a certified operative with some good experience under his belt, I'd appreciate a heads up. =\
I know that this may seem more like a small town kid's daydream, but rest assured I haven't made this decision without heavy consideration or experience. I've had a bit of experience with living in Detroit with some family, so I'm not jumping into this with no clue. I'm currently considering New York as my top pick, and I hope to be decided within a month or so, and ready to move by the fall.
Now, if i could only figure out how to tell my Mom...
Well it's almost 2am, I haven't had a smoke in over 24 hours, and I need to be at work by 9, time to step outside and then head to bed.
Thanks for being here.