Wow. What a fucking night.
I know that I dangled news in front of you and then left for several days, but I promise that I had good reason. Work has been nuts, and my grandpa is going in for yet another open heart
operation Friday morning. I'm also trying to figure out how the hell to build Audry 2 for the teen production of "Little Shop of Horrors." I promise to get to a better explanation of who I was with (
LGC) later, but for now a quick rundown of tonight. I was talking to
LgC, specifically about our plans to head up to Tech to attend the yearly Winter Carnival, which is basically a 5 day excuse to not go to class and drink. It is also a roaring good time, and with Reel Big Fish playing, this year promises to be especially great. I had already decided that I was going to come clean with my friends about being bi when we got there, but I was already freaking out about telling everybody at once, so I told
LittleC, who isn't actually at Tech this semester either.
LittleC was notably
surprised, but also very supportive, and from there I was on a roll. First was Prince of Slackers, the The
Yooper, and from there it continued. I came out to
seven people, all but one of them being on my list of people to see while up at tech, and other than feeling like I'm about to have a heart attack, I feel a hell of a lot better. It's amazing how well just being
honest can feel, and with as much as I don't talk to the people that I'm directly involved with, it always comes as a bit of a
surprise. So, several hours after this adventure began, I'm dead tired, in need of a smoke, (and possibly a scotch) and feel like I've had a minor heart attack.
Wow, that paragraph rambled.
Okay, on to the promised explanation.
LgC, whose name will be changing once I think of something fitting, is a friend of mine who graduated from my high school a year after I did. He is taking classes at the local community college, and wants to be a physical therapist. He's cute, short(compared to me,) and 1/4
Japanese. I seem to be drawn to people of
Asian persuasion for some reason, dunno why. I don't really know what else to say about him right now, but that may have to do with how tired I am right at the moment.
I'm gonna wrap this up on account of sheer
exhaustion, and I'll elaborate more at a later date, and hopefully on better nerves.